In everything we do, we seek to help all individuals. Fill out the form below to contact us and we’ll get back to you shortly.

    Know someone in need of service?

    Contact us and let us know about the person in need. Our agency is driven by a firm commitment to improving the quality of life of children and families, adults, and seniors.  We believe that everyone is entitled to the same standard of human dignity, and work to ensure that all individuals receiving our services can enjoy that same standard.

    Do you need service?

    Contact us and we’ll get the process started to get you enrolled.

    1051 Huning Ranch East Loop SW
    Los Lunas, NM 87031

    Phone: (505) 865-4651
    Fax: (505) 865-5331

    “Because I am not physically able to do many things, it is good to have a helper who is willing to do things I can’t.”


    “My home visitor is such a great person! She is always there with great information and advice, she treats my children so well and they love her! She is very respectful of my home and always reassures me that I’m doing a great job as a mom and that’s always a great thing to hear! I can’t say enough good things about this woman, she is great!"

    Home Visits

    “So helpful to have professionals who understand my child’s development to ask questions to and who support our family through challenges”

    Early Childhood Intervention

    “They are the best place to take your family member, they make sure they have different places to go in the community, they are safe, and we are very satisfied and grateful that we were able to find La Vida Felicidad for our family member. ”.

    DD Community